Sunday, September 13, 2009


Whenever you are trying to improve yourself, in any way, you are bound to have setbacks. I have gotten discouraged several times throughout this weight loss process. Usually this happens when I go drastically over my calories (4-500 or more) or when I reach what feels like a plateau and I'm not losing as much as I think I should. But the only thing I have be able to do about it is to just forget about it and keep going and the weight eventually comes off.

In July I went on vacation and for 4 days I didn't count any calories. By the end of the trip I had gained two pounds! But I didn't give up, I got home and started keeping my food journal and dropped those pounds and more. I've found that vacations, holidays, barbeques, potlucks and even just eating out are hard times to keep calorie control. Sometimes I have to label a day as a "free day" or eat less the next day to compensate for what I ate the day before. This is called zig-zagging and it's also a good way to keep your weight from plateauing too. Instead of keeping your calories consistent each day (which is nigh unto impossible to do) you eat more some days and less others in a week. This helps your body not get into a routine.

I think they main point here is don't beat up on yourself for setbacks, just call that day or two a wash and move forward. It's so worth it. Good luck!

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